Gene info
HGNC approved symbolMETTL11B
HGNC approved namemethyltransferase like 11B
Entrez gene IDGeneID:149281
(SSTAR profile)
UniProt AC (human)Q5VVY1
UniProt ID (human)NTM1B_HUMAN
Pfam domainsMethyltransf_PK PF05891 (65-278)
MGI symbolMettl11b
MGI IDMGI:2685053
UniProt AC (mouse)B2RXM4
UniProt ID (mouse)NTM1B_MOUSE
HGNC gene family tagMETTL
HGNC gene family descriptionMethyltransferase like
FunctionHistone modification writer
ModificationHistone methylation
PMID for information on functionPMID:26543159
Protein complex#
Target moleculeprotein
Target entityCENP-A
PMID for information on targetPMID:26543159
CommentRegulates centromere function and mitosis
Status of entryNew

Expression statistics
Expression range: N/A
Mean expression: N/A
Median expression: N/A
Sample class Sample Expression (RLE-normalized CAGE tags per million)
Quantile over all genes