Lncrna info
HGNC approved symbolMATN1-AS1
Alternative names#
HGNC approved nameMATN1 antisense RNA 1
Entrez gene IDGeneID:100129196
(SSTAR profile)
HGNC gene family tag#
HGNC gene family descriptionAntisense RNAs
FunctionmiRNA sponging
PMID for reference on functionPMID:31667976
Target molecule typeRNA
Specific targetmiR-200b/c/429
Target UniProt ID#
PMID for reference on targets and productsPMID:31667976
CommentMATN1-AS1 functions as a ceRNA for miR-200b/c/429 to upregulate CHD1
Status of entryNew

Expression statistics
Expression range: N/A
Mean expression: N/A
Median expression: N/A
Sample class Sample Expression (RLE-normalized CAGE tags per million)
Quantile over all genes